In this game, light and dark both play a vital role, therefore, batteries and flares need to be used sparingly wherever possible. Before embarking on the mission you will need to select a team of four adventurers. A spread of skills is the best possible combination.


This is a small area to explore. Here is the best place to learn about the techniques needed to progress further. Light is required to read computer terminals which give vital clues. Pressure pads and photo-cells can open doors; you should also become familiar with using keys.

All objects found should be taken, as later there are plenty of pressure pads which all need to be opened using weight. After you've got used to the control technique it's off to level 2.


It should be noted that some of the robots will leave some valuable presents when they are dispatched. In the next two rooms the first long range weapons will be found.

However, all long range weapons have ammunition limitations, so be careful how you use them. It's on this level that the first two recharging stations can be located.

The first re-supplies food and can be used an unlimited number of times. Conversely, the second is for weapons and batteries and can only be used once. Once all the robots have been eliminated you can proceed to the next level.


On entering this level there is another weapons recharge point. It's best to use this one when your ammo is at a minimum.

You should now make your way to the central room of the Biological Research area. Using a light to open the door, there should be a robot. It is carrying a crate, so when you've killed it open the crate.

Take the contents of the crate and deploy it as you see best. Now put the empty crate on the pressure pad to open the next security door.

Enter the next two rooms, kill the robots and pick up the medical pack. You will also find a key; by going to the central room you will be able to use it and enter.

Kill all the robots and you can use the food outlet and the very useful regeneration pad. The pad resurrects dead characters so long as you have brought their DNA pod. Be warned, the pad only works three times.

After this, proceed to the central room and go through the remaining door to the transporter. Warning: beware of the pits en route.

When you arrive at the transporter you should find another weapons recharger, using a green card should secure you a laser - just the ticket!


Having exited the transporter, head down the corridor to the first room. Access is denied by a pit, the only way to close the pit is by throwing a flare over it. This will operate a photo-cell, which in turn closes the pit and allows you to pick up another key.

In the next room there is another pit with a key which is just out of reach. Throwing something on the pressure pad moves the key within reach. Now you can open the corner door and move quickly into the little recess. Fire at the robot when it is as safe as possible, light a flare and throw it towards the door.

The robot will head to the light. As he passes you by, stab him in the back.

Next on the agenda is yet another room which requires the lighting of three photo-cells to get to the key. The following room calls for some teamwork: one man to operate the door switch, the other to fire at the robots.

When you've managed to obtain this key, you should leave one man here so he can open the door in a little while to let another man out.

The next room contains a one-way system, so only one man can enter to collect the keys. To get past this section, the man you have sent in must stand at the edge of the pit and throw the keys to another team mate, who will open the door for him to escape.

In the next room one character must operate the wall switch which will turn on the transporter. Place a man in the transporter and he will be transported to the little room to pick up a key. Operating a switch sends him to where you left a man to open a door. At this point you can regroup and collect more food if necessary.

The next room contains a key which when picked up, make three robots appear, so be warned.

The last room on this level contains a robot, a key and a slot. Kill the robot and use the gold card in the slot to reveal a secret room full of goodies.

After that dispose of the final robot, and it's off to the teleporter.


Outside of the teleporter is a fence. Like all fences in Shadoworlds it should be treated with extreme caution. It's best to walk one man at a time around them for safety.

One the plus side, you can hide behind this fence and the approaching robot will commit suicide.

Then it's a long walk to the central teleporting area. The key that you should have collected opens a door, which will transport you to Ice World.

The character that you send to Ice World should be the strongest and made as light as possible.


On arrival you will have to move very quickly and dodge the multitude of robots that inhabit this section. Eventually they can be lined up so that they fire on one another.

You can collect the crate and use the transporter pressure pad to get back to the teleporting area.

This crate contains a key so that you can open the next door to get to Jungle World.


The person who you send here needs to be equipped with a light sabre, plenty of flares for light at night and also some food.

Near to the pressure pads are three guards who do not always fire at you. If you are healthy, save the game here.

Using the pad transports you to another jungle, where once again you are attacked immediately on arrival. Collect your crate then flee as fast as possible back to the teleporting area.

LEVEL 5: Continued

Rest the party again, feed them and kill the robot guards. Now use the teleporter.


The first man out of the teleporter should be armed with a flame thrower to kill the wandering bugs which are there to greet you. On this level are four rooms, each has a pressure pad which requires a weight leaving on it to open the exit door.

The top two doors are quite straight-forward. However, the central connecting room is quite tricky, so save the game before venturing further.

On entering you will be attacked by heads, so stand in the doorway and use the light sabre on them. You will then have to very carefully walk one character around the fence that obscures your path.

After killing the remaining head, dodge past the robot in the bottom right room and move onwards.

The last room takes a team effort and plenty of light. This is because all the lights in this area are activated by photo-cells. The last room is occupied by a robot who will kill himself if you occupy the right space.


This level is full of pits, but they can be closed by using light to operate the photo-cells. The two rooms are symmetrical so only one side needs to be closed.

Kill the guards and have a lighted flare available. You will approach three photo-cells, which depending on which is activated opens a combination of two doorways.

It is vitally important to leave one man here if you want to complete the game. Walk around the corridor until you reach a switch. Use a light to open it, and then stand in the doorway with your sabre drawn. As the guards walk by, kill them. The third guard will not cause you any bother and can be left alone.

Place objects on the pressure pads to open the next two doors and then move on to the next room.

There are two heads that wander around that must be despatched with immediately. Then find the pressure pad which is up a small dead end, place an object on it and the last door to a teleport will open. This room contains three buttons. The first will turn on the teleport, so position a man there with a light-sabre, while another team member operates the button.

The teleported character will arrive in a room where casting light onto a photo-cell releases heads. Kill the heads and get the character at the buttons to operate the second.

This will turn on another teleport which transports your character into another similar room. Once again light releases heads which need to be despatched with. Pick up the key and use the button controller to press the third button which returns the transported character.

Now you have a hell of a trek back to the teleportation room on level five. You can now use the key to open the last room. The character that enters needs to be a fast mover.


On arrival walk past the two robot, but do not stand too long in one spot or you may receive a rather unpleasant surprise from a sand monster. Progress to the pit and jump in.


You will now have to move extremely quickly to dodge all the robots that are firing on you. This will probably take some doing and may use nearly all your team.

Provided you have one survivor everything will be all right. Once all the robots have killed each other there's only one room to contend with.

Throw a lighted flare into the room and it releases two heads. Stand in the entrance way and despatch them using the light sabre. A robot also occupies this room; he cannot move from the room until both lights are removed. Wait until the robot has moved into the corner where the heads came from, and then enter the room. The robot will fire, but the shots will rebound and kill him. He will leave a key to the last door which when opened completes the game.